Jumat, 09 November 2012

Memories (╯︵╰,)

We loved each other,didn't we ?
For all those days we spent together . . .
We hurt together,didn't we ?
Making each other's pain our own . . .

Where are you right now ?
Can't you hear mu voice ?
My aching heart is searching for you . .
It's calling out for you . .

My heart,my tears,the memories of you . . .
Cry and cry and with these memories that won't be erased
Once again today,my empty heart is drenched with tears

We like each other,didn't we ?
I used to make you laugh just by smiling . . .
We cried together,didn't we ?
You would hurt too when you saw my tears . . .

Where are you at this moment ?
Don't you see how exhausted i'am ?

My love,my heart,the memories of you . . .
Drop by drop,and with these memories that won't be erased
Once again today,my empty heart is drenched with tears . . .

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